New Delhi: A few months earlier, actor Alia Bhatt had called out paparazzi for clicking her photos while she was inside her house. She got support from almost the entire Bollywood, with celebs talking about the line that needs to be drawn to respect their privacy. The actor has now spoken about the incident in a recent interview. 

In a conversation with Vogue magazine, Alia said that the websites should be more mindful of the images when it comes to actors.  “I did feel bad about the incident that took place in February, but I wish news portals picking up the image had been more mindful. I feel like websites sometimes don’t know what they’re picking up either. But I just wanted to highlight that they need to be a little more conscious when it comes to actors. There are cameras everywhere and it has become this unspoken rule that when we are in public, we are up for absolute consumption. We can’t stop that. But I think it’s fair for me to expect privacy in my own home. Honestly, there’s no beef, no angst, no upsetness. I said what I had to say and received a lot of support for it. And I think people also understood that what I was asking for wasn’t too much,” she told Vogue. 

Both Ranbir and Alia follow a strict policy around not revealing their daughter Raha’s face. Alia recently posted a picture of Ranbir with their daughter, but Raha was not visible in the picture. Talking about the same, Alia said that as parents, they are very clear that they don’t want their daughter to be in the public eye. 

“Ranbir and I are very clear on how long we don’t want Raha to be in the public eye for. We don’t even want to post her pictures on social media. I just don’t feel comfortable with any sort of conversation around my little baby right now,” she told Vogue. 

While talking to Kareena Kapoor on her show, Ranbir had also said they will try to protect Raha from media attention as much as they can. “So as parents, we will try to protect it (Raha’s privacy) as much as we can. We just want for her to have a normal upbringing. To go to school, to not make her feel too special, different around other children. She should just have a normal life,” he told Kareena in the chat.  

Alia, and Ranbir tied the knot in a small ceremony on April 14, 2022, at their home in Mumbai, Vastu. They became parents of a baby girl on November 6, 2022.