New Delhi: Actor Alia Bhatt has reportedly purchased a new apartment in the plush Pali Hill locality in Bandra for Rs 37.80 crore through her production company, Eternal Sunshine Productions. The 2,497 sq ft apartment is close to the under-construction Kapoor bungalow on the same road.
According to Hindustan Times, the apartment is on the 6th floor of Aerial View Cooperative Housing Society Limited in Pali Hill’s Nargis Dutt Road, and the registration of was done in the name of Eternal Sunshine Productions Pvt Ltd on April 10.
The apartment has two car parking and Alia paid a stamp duty of ₹2.26 crore, according to documents accessed and shared by
Alia also reportedly gifted a Juhu flat to her sister Shaheen with a gift deed the same day. Alia Bhatt reportedly transferred flats 2A and 2B on the second floor of Gigi Apartments in Juhu to Shaheen through a gift deed.
Alia and Ranbir live in an apartment complex called Vastu, also in Pali Hill. The two tied the knot in a small ceremony on April 14, 2022, at their home in Vastu. They became parents of baby girl Raha on November 6, 2022.
Earlier on Monday, Alia surprised everyone when she posted a picture of Ranbir with their daughter. She soon deleted the photo and then posted it again hours later.
In the picture, Ranbir is seen looking at Raha. Raha is not visible in the photo. Ranbir is seen wearing a tee shirt and shorts, and sitting on a chair beside the stroller.
Alia deleted the picture soon after posting, and then in the evening, re-posted the same with the caption: "I have become the best photographer since the 6th of November (smiling face emoji) My world."z
On the work front, Alia is awaiting the release of ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’ with Ranveer Singh. She will also be seen in Farhan Akhtar’s directorial ‘Jee Le Zaraa’ with Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra.