Rumours and speculations about Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding have been around for quite a long time now. There had been several reports speculating about their wedding destination, while some even claimed that Alia Bhatt had already approached Sabyasachi to design a lehenga for her wedding. While there is no update about their wedding as of now, recently, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone were also spotted at the Jaipur airport on Tuesday. The reason for their visit to Jaipur isn't known, however, fans wondered whether they are there for the wedding of Brahmastra stars.

Brahmastra director, Ayan Mukerjee was also spotted in there. While all the spotting at first led to conjecture that the team is in the Pink City to shoot for Brahmastra, however, Karan Johar, who is in Goa at present, is also expected to air-dash in the city.

They are all staying together at Aman Hotel in Ranthambore. At first, it was thought that it's a vacation to bring in New Year, but with full attendance of RK and Alia's close pals, it is been forced to think if they are getting engaged.

Recently, Ranbir Kapoor hit the headlines after he talked about his and Alia's marriage plans in an interview with journalist Rajeev Masand. 'It would have already been sealed if the pandemic hadn't hit our lives. But I don't want to jinx it by saying anything. I want to tick mark that goal soon in my life,' said Ranbir.

Earlier, there were rumours doing the rounds of gossip mills that Ranbir and Alia will get married in the month of December. However, due to Coronavirus and death of Rishi Kapoor, all the plans supposedly got pushed.