New Delhi: Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar unleashed a powerful sonic experience with his latest track, "Shambhu." This high-energy Shiva anthem, sung by the actor himself along with Sudhir Yaduvanshi and Vikram Montrose, is poised to captivate listeners with its fervent devotion and pulsating beats.

The song that released today on February 5 will be available to stream exclusively on Times Music. The release of "Shambhu" one month before the auspicious occasion of Maha Shivratri aims to resonate with devotees seeking a spiritual and uplifting musical experience during this divine celebration.

Akshay Kumar's portrayal of a Shiv-Gan in OMG2 received widespread critical and commercial acclaim, further solidifying his connection with spiritual themes and audiences' hearts alike. "Shambhu" is a visual and musical extravaganza pushing boundaries with breathtaking cinematography, stunning visuals, and mesmerizing audio that is bound to leave an indelible mark. Ganesh Acharya's visionary direction enhances the visual narrative of "Shambhu," complementing the powerful musical rendition.

In a statement, Akshay Kumar expressed, "Shambhu comes from a deep place in my heart that has only been beating with the name Jai Shri Mahakaal! For the longest time I have been a Shiva bhakt but lately my connection with him and devotion towards him has only become deeper. I feel he is the power, he is the love, he is the help we all need, he is the saviour, he is the surrender we all look to surrender to, he is the be-all and end-all. With this song, I just offer a droplet that I am to the infinite consciousness that Shiva is! Jai Shri Mahakaal."


"Shambhu" is poised to become the go-to anthem for Maha Shivratri celebrations, setting the stage for a soul-stirring musical journey that resonates with both the devout and those seeking an exhilarating musical experience.