New Delhi: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is a Cannes veteran. On Thursday, Aishwraya Rai Bachchan made her first appearance at the prestigious film festival. AIswarya, who has been accompanied by her daughter Aaradhya, for the festival every year, opened up about how Aaradhya also enjoys her time at the festival. In an interview with Film Companion, Aishwarya shared that Aaradhya feels at home at the Cannes Film FEstival, and even knows her way around the place.

Asked what Aaradhya’s whole experience of Cannes is, Aishwarya said, “Isn’t this a question that she should be answering? At some point in her life, I guess she will.”

“It’s really just about being together. It’s familiar to her. She knows everybody here. It’s really about reuniting with friends. It’s an experience that’s so familiar to her. She’s a lot like me in that sense, we’re people’s people. It begins with that. She loves the place, she loves the vibe. We haven’t ever discussed this, but I’m sure she gets the fact that this is really a film festival, it’s about the world of cinema.” She added.

Aishwarya also added that Aaradhya has a 'respect' for the 'amazing world cinema'.

Aaradhya Bachchan has been attending Cannes with her mother for several years now. Aishwarya's red carpet appearances are another level of ball game which create quite a stir every year among audiences.

This year, both of Aishwarya’s Cannes looks created quite a divided response on the internet with fans and netizens calling Aishwarya’s outfit ‘a shawarma roll’ among other things.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was seen in 'Ponniyin Selvan 2' for which she received quite some appreciation for her role. During the PS-2 promotions as well, Aaradhya had accompanied her mother at the premiere in Chennai.

Also Read: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan On Why She's Not Offered Roles With Depth In Hindi Cinema: 'That’s A Question All Creative People End Up Asking'