New Delhi: Bollywood superstar, Aditya Roy Kapur interacted with a few of his fans, on Wednesday, after a special screening of the Disney+ Hotstar series 'The Night Manager'. His fans had gathered outside the auditorium and the actor spoke to them for a while, but a shocking incident followed after this. It so happened that one of his female fans tried to kiss him on the cheek after clicking a couple of selfies with the actor, the video of which has gone viral on the internet.

In the video, a female fan can be seen approaching Aditya Roy Kapur for a selfie to which the actor obliged. After clicking a couple of selfies, she tries to forcefully kiss him on his cheek. Aditya Roy Kapur tries to manage the situation gracefully and denies, by moving back. However, the fan does not stop there and ends up kissing his hand. 

Netizens have slammed the woman for this kind of behaviour while appreciating Aditya for handling the situation so well. Expressing their views in the comments section, one of them wrote, "Men of culture", while another person wrote, "Oh god! This kind of harassment is not right! What is wrong with people? Even I like him but I won’t forcefully try to kiss him, that’s pure harassment!". 

Another comment read, "Same kind of behaviour of boy fans with any female star could land them behind the bars.", while a fourth comment followed which said, "Poor guy. Terrible behaviour from this woman"

Aditya Roy Kapur makes his streaming debut with 'The Night Manager', a remake of the original drama starring Tom Hiddleston. The actor will next be featured in Anurag Basu's Metro... 'In Dino', with Sara Ali Khan. In addition to Aditya Roy Kapur, Anil Kapoor, Sobhita Dhulipala, and Tillotama Shome also star in 'The Night Manager'. 

The series is set to be released on Disney+ Hotstar on February 17.