New Delhi: Sudhaa Chandran, an actress and an accomplished Bharatnatyam dancer made a special request to the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on her social media. Sudhaa Chandran requested PM Modi to issue a special card for senior citizens so that they can avoid getting ‘grilled’ by the airport authorities.
Sudhaa Chandran revealed in her video that even after making her country proud by dancing with an artificial limb, she has to go through the grill by the airport authorities. After she shared the video on her social media, now, CISF has issued an apology on Twitter with a statement.
The statement read, “We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused to Ms. Sudhaaa Chandran. As per protocol, prosthetics are to be removed for security checks only under exceptional circumstances.”
It further read, “We will examine why the lady personnel concerned requested Ms. Sudhaaa Chandran to remove the prosthetics. We assure Ms.Sudhaaa Chandran that all our personnel will be sensitised again on the protocols so that no inconvenience is caused to travelling passengers.”
Sudhaa Chandran said in the video, “I am Sudhaaa Chandran, an actor and dancer professionally, I have danced with an artificial limb and created history, making my country proud. But every time I go on my professional visits, each time, I am stopped at the airport, and when I request them at the security, to the CISF officials, that please do an ETD (Explosive Trace Detector) test for my artificial limb, they still want me to remove my artificial limb and show it to them. Is it humanly possible Modi ji?”
Sudhaa Chandran is popular for her roles in ‘Kaahin Kissii Roz’, ‘Naagin’ and others. She also received the National Film Award – Special Jury Award for the Telugu film Mayuri which is based on her life.
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