Actor Sonu Soon, who won millions of hearts by feeding thousands of underprivileged people and helping migrating labourers to reach their homes safe during Corona-induced lockdown in 2020, is now being tasked to promote COVID-19 vaccination drive in Punjab. Punjab government has appointed Sood as the brand ambassador of the COVID-19 vaccination drive in the state.

A day after meeting the actor, Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh made the announcement and thanked him for supporting the government’s campaign. Taking to his Twitter account, the Chief Minister said, "Happy to share that actor and philanthropist Sonu Sood to be the Brand Ambassador of Punjab’s COVID-19 vaccination drive. I thank him for supporting our campaign to reach out to, and protect every Punjabi, and appeal to all to get vaccinated at the earliest." 

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Happy to share that actor &amp; philanthropist <a >@SonuSood</a> will be the Brand Ambassador of our <a >#Covid19</a> vaccination drive. I thank him for supporting our campaign to reach out to, and protect, every Punjabi, and appeal to all to get vaccinated at the earliest. <a ></a></p>&mdash; Capt.Amarinder Singh (@capt_amarinder) <a >April 11, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

In an official statement, Singh said that there no one more ideally suited to inspire and influence people to take the vaccine. At the time when there is a lot of hesitancy among people, Sonu’s popularity will help counter their reservations. 

Meanwhile the actor expressed gratitude over being appointed the brand ambassador for the vaccination programme. “I feel blessed to be playing any part in this huge campaign of the Punjab government to protect the lives of the people of my home state,” Sonu Sood said. 

During his meeting with Punjab Chief Minister, the actor presented his book ‘I am no Messiah’, which he said captures the experiences of his journey from Moga to Mumbai.