New Delhi: Recently, Bollywood star Aamir Khan showed up in Delhi for an event hosted by a childhood friend. This was one of his seldom public appearances after the release and disappointing performance at the box office of his most recent film, ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’. The actor explained that this will be the first time in his career that he would be taking time away from performing.

Despite being produced with an estimated budget of Rs 180 crores, ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ failed to generate much money at the Indian box office, grossing just around Rs 60 crore nett. Aamir announced that he would be taking a one and a half year leave from acting to focus on family instead. 

The actor also announced that he will take on the role of producer for the upcoming movie ‘Champions’. According to the actor, he was supposed to star in the movie, but in the end, he decided against it so that he could spend more time with his loved ones.

News about Aamir Khan's upcoming project - 'Champions' has been doing the rounds for a while. Cinema lovers have been eagerly waiting for more developments on the project and finally, we have one! Aamir Khan recently made a few revelations about ‘Champions’ during his childhood friend's event in Delhi. 

During the chat session in the capital city, he shared an exciting update about ‘Champions’. The actor expressed his thoughts about being in the Producer’s chair for this specific film. Aamir Khan shared, "When I am doing a film as an actor, I get so lost in it that nothing else happens in my life. I feel that I want to take a break, I want to be with my family, I want to be with my mom and my kids. I feel I have been working for 35 years."

 He further added, "I will be producing 'Champions' because I really believe in the film, I think it’s a great story."

The film will be co-produced by Aamir Khan Productions along with Sony Pictures International Productions, India, and 200NotOut Productions.