Aamir Khan's daugther Ira Khan celebrated her 25th birthday with parents, step-brother Azad Rao Khan and boyfriend Nupur Shikhare. The star-kid had two different cake-cutting ceremonies, one with her boyfriend Nupur Shikhare and another one with her parents- dad Aamir Khan, mom Teena Dutta and step-brother Azad Rao Khan.

A picture from Ira's cake-cutting ceremony with her parents is going big time viral. The now viral pic shows Ira's parents celebrating her birthday after a pool session. In the pic birthday girl Ira is seen in a two piece bikini set as she blows out the candles, her father Aamir and brother Azad are seen shirtless, clapping for her. 

However the picture didn't go well with many social media users, who called out Ira for being skimply dressed in front of her parents.  Soon as the picture surfaced on social media, a section of netizens trolled Ira for wearing a two-piece swimsuit in front of her father. Check out some of the fans' reaction below:

Meanwhile, Ira's boyfriend and fitness coach Nupur also shared a few pictures from her second birthday celebration. He wrote, "Happy Birthday My Love (heart emoticon) I love you so so much bubs @khan.ira #happy #birthday #love."

The first picture shows her blowing out the candles before cutting a cake and the second shows her chilling at a restaurant. The last romantic photo of the couple seems to be a throwback from one of their pool session. 

Ira Khan had made her directorial debut with a play named Medea featuring actress Hazel Keech. The star-kid has no plans of acting in films. Meanwhile, Aamir will be next seen in Laal Singh Chaddha, opposite Kareena Kapoor. The film is a remake of Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump and is slated to hit theatres on August 11,2022.