Bollywood actor Aamir Khan who was recently in news after he announced divorce with wife Kiran 15 years after their marriage is currently shooting for his upcoming film ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ in Ladakh. The actor along with Kiran Rao and Naga Chaitanya are busy shooting for the last schedule of the film now, however Aamir and his team has been called out by a local on twitter for littering the locality post their shoot. 

A Twitter user has shared a video from Wakha village where apparently the shooting of the film is going on. The video shows the area with waste material which is allegedly done by the film team.

The user took to his Twitter handle and wrote, “This is the gift Bollywood star Amir Khan's upcoming movie Lal Singh Chada has left for the villagers of Wakha in Ladakh. Amir Khan himself talks big about environmental cleanliness at Satyamev Jayate but this is what happens when it comes to himself.” Take a look:

Lal Singh Chaddha also stars actress Kareena Kapoor Khan as Aamir's leading lady in the film.

Meanwhile, south-Indian actor Naga Chaitanya who recently joined the team shared a picture with Aamir and Kiran from the sets on his Instagram handle. In the pic both Aamir and Kiran, who recently confirmed separation was seen striking for a happy pose with Naga Chaitanya. Along with the picture, he wrote, “Grateful… #Bala #laalsinghchaddha”

Aamir and Kiran recently released a joint statement and announced their divorce. In their statement, they said that they will be raising their son Azad together.