New Delhi: Aamir Khan is returning on the silver screen with the much-awaited film 'Laal Singh Chaddha' alongside Kareena Kapoor Khan. Aamir took to his official social media handle to announce the song launch of 'Tur Kalleyan'. Through his production house, Aamir Khan Productions, Twitter handle, Aamir wrote, "#TurKalleyan is a beautiful and moving song that captures the spirit of relinquishing all that weighs you down and looking forward to a newer, loving self. Song out tomorrow."

Aamir also shared the poster of the song in which we see Aamir's back with long hair and a cap. The poster mentions the tagline,"Song Out Tomorrow".

‘Tur Kalleyan’ has been sung by Arijit Singh.

For the unaware, 'Laal Singh Chaddha's first song 'Kahaani' was a big hit. The song ranks in the Top 10 songs playlist on various music streaming platforms and radio shows. 

'Laal Singh Chaddha' is the Hindi remake of the Oscar-winning film 'Forrest Gump' starring Tom Hanks in the lead. 'Forrest Gump' was itself based on the 1986 novel by Winston Groom of the same name.

In 'Laal Singh Chaddha', Aamir Khan plays the titular role. Naga Chaitanya also stars in the film. The Telugu star will be making his Hindi film debut in the film. 

With the said film, Aamir is returning after a long gap of 5 years. His last release was 'Thugs of Hindostan' which failed to perform well at the box office.

Directed by Advait Chandan from a screenplay written by Eric Roth and adapted by Atul Kulkarni, 'Laal Singh Chaddha' has been produced by Viacom 18 and Aamir Khan Productions.

The film is all set for a release on August 11, 2022.