New Delhi: It is very soon going to be that time of the year once again when houses would be decorated and Santa's visit will be awaited. With the holiday fervour knocking at the door, it is time for merriment once again. But what do on being tired after all the decoration? Once all the celebration gets over and holidays are still in hands? Grab a cup of coffee, get under the warm blankets and stream some of the best movies that will let the festive fervor continue on Amazon Prime.

Here is a list of some of the best movies to stream on Amazon Prime, this festive season:

1. The Polar Express

In this 2004 magical film, Tom Hanks essays the role of four different characters. The film is about a young boy whose faith in Christmas is dwindling. Surprises unfold for him as he embarks on a wild journey to the North Pole, by boarding a mysterious train.

2. Elf

This film starring Will Ferrell is a fun-filled drama. Released in 2003, this family drama still manages to make the entire family laugh their hearts out. The story is about a human who has been raised as an over-sized elf. He travels from the North Pole to New York City, to meet his biological father who is unaware of his existence. 

3. Last Christmas

The film is a romantic-comedy directed by Paul Feig. Emilia Clarke essays the role of a Christmas store owner who falls for a mysterious man, played by Henry Golding. Emilia Clarke's charm and lively-spirit is worth a watch. It is based on the 1984 song of the same name.

4. Home Alone

The perfect film for kids as well as for grown-ups. Even after decades of its release, the film can be watched over and over again. The film is full of fun and drama and continues to be one of the best kids' drama, even today.

5. A Christmas Solo

This romantic comedy chronicles the sparkling chemistry between two single parents who eventually find out that their teenage daughters have been vying for the same solo in their school's Christmas concert. The film released in 2019.

ALSO READ: 5 Movies With Holiday Vibes To Watch On Netflix This Christmas

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