New Delhi: In an interview to a news channel, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that he will never be able to forgive Pragya Thakur for insulting Mahatma Gandhi despite endorsing her as the BJP candidate from Bhopal.

"The remarks on Gandhiji are absolutely condemnable. Such comments have no place in a civilized society. Those who make such remarks need to re-think 100 times. It is a different thing that she has apologized but personally I won't be able to forgive her," he said.

Modi’s statement comes after BJP chief Amit Shah came out strongly against controversial remarks of Pragya Singh Thakur and two other party MPs, over Nathuram Godse, saying the BJP has taken serious note of their statements, which are against its ideology. They have been asked to explain the remark within 10 days.

Shah also said the comments were their personal statements and had no link with the party.

"My intention was not to hurt anyone. If it has hurt someone, I apologise," Thakur had said.

Last month, she said that IPS officer Hemant Karkare had died during the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks as she had "cursed" him for torturing her while in detention. Later, she apologised and took back her controversial statement.