New Delhi: Making another tall claim to woo voters, Congress president Rahul Gandhi Sunday said there are 22 lakh government job vacancies which will be filled up by March 31 next year if his party is voted to power. The Congress has been criticising the government over alleged jobs losses and lack of jobs creation.

"Today, there are 22 Lakh job vacancies in Government. We will have these vacancies filled by 31st March, 2020," Gandhi tweeted.

"Devolution of funds from the Centre to each state government for healthcare, education etc. will be linked to these vacant positions being filled."

This comes only days after Gandhi said that if the grand old party is voted to power in the 2019 general elections, they won't leave any stone unturned to eradicate poverty from the nation.

Gandhi added it would be a first of sorts in India's political history, that a Union government shall provide Rs 72,000 per annum to the 20 per cent poorest families in the country.

Gandhi said that the party had worked out the financial details as to how to fund the scheme. He termed as the scheme as the Second MGNREGA. The Congress chief exuded confidence that the scheme was bound to benefit five crore poor families and 25 crore people in all.