New Delhi: Bone-chilling incident shook Mathura, Uttar Pradesh on Thursday morning when 4 car-borne men attacked a female police officer with acid. The incident was reported in Damodarpur area.
Currently, the condition of female police officer is very sensitive, and has been referred to the higher centre in Agra.
The officer was posted in Mathura, which is considered as land of Lord Krishna. She was attacked on her way to work.
The incident which falls under Sadar police station has shook the entire region.
Recently, actor-turned politician Hema Malini was in Mathura as she has been given a ticket from Bharatiya Janta Party for contesting the upcoming elections. Congress on the other hand has handed over a ticket to Mahesh Pathak.
A probe has been launched to find out the people who have attacked the female police officer.
More details on the same are awaited.
UP: Acid attack on female police officer jolts Mathura; Condition sensitive
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
04 Apr 2019 09:16 AM (IST)
The incident which falls under Sadar police station has shook the entire region.
Image only for representational purpose
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