New Delhi: The renowned religious guru Swami Paripoornananda who recently joined BJP ahead of the upcoming assembly polls, on Wednesday said that he will work for the party’s victory in the polls scheduled for December 7. He asserted that Telangana would become the saffron party’s gateway to the south, news agency PTI reported.

Swami Paripoornananda made his maiden visit to BJP Telangana unit’s office and while addressing reporters there he asserted that he already has lakhs of admirers and so he has not joined the party for any post or show-off but to do his work with focus.

He said that the 'Kurukshetra' (battle) has begun from today and claimed that Telangana is going to change into saffron Telangana.

Who is Swami Paripoornananda?

Swami Paripoornananda, is a prominent figure in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He had joined BJP on October 19 in Delhi in the presence of the party Chief Amit Shah.

He is a seer from the Sri Peetham at Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh. He was in the news in July after being externed from Hyderabad for six months for allegedly making provocative statements. He, however, got relief from the court.

He is expected to campaign for the party in the December 7 assembly elections in the state.

(Inputs from PTI)