New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that the Telangana government "failed" to safeguard the legacy of the state and "betrayed" everyone including the Madiga community. "Telangana is standing at a very important juncture of history. Telangana government failed to safeguard the legacy of the state. It has betrayed everyone including the Madiga community," he remarked during a public meeting in Secunderabad, Hyderabad.

The Prime Minister said that during the formation of the southern state, it was promised that a Dalit would be made the chief minister but after the state formation, K Chandrashekar Rao became the chief minister, thereby "crushing" the aspirations of Dalits.

Praising the BJP, he also stated that its government's highest priority is to give preference to those who are deprived. "BJP's myntra is Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas," he said.

Claiming that there is a covert nexus between the Congress and BRS, PM Modi said while the other two parties have the objective of ruling the people, the saffron party wants to serve the people. 

"Congress and BRS are together. They play their games behind the curtains...On one side there is Congress and BRS and on the other side is BJP. They (Congress and BRS) have the mentality to rule the people while BJP is dedicated to serving the people," he said.

He was addressing a rally in Parade Ground in Hyderabad. The rally was organised by Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi, a community organisation of Madigas. They are one of the biggest constituents of scheduled castes in Telugu states.

Notably, this is the PM Modi’s second rally in the city since the election notification was announced.

It is to be noted that the Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi has been demanding a sub-categorisation of reservation for the SC community.

Addressing another rally earlier this week, PM Modi had said that if BJP is voted to power, a person from the OBC community would be made the chief minister.

PM Modi Promises To Constitute Committee For Madigas

PM Modi promised to constitute a committee to empower the Madigas. He said a panel will soon be formed to empower the community and look into their demand for SC sub-categorisation, PTI reported. 

"We are committed to end this injustice at the earliest...It is our promise that we will soon constitute a committee that will adopt all possible ways for empowering you. You and we also know that a big legal process is going on in the Supreme Court. We consider your struggle to be just," he said at the rally.