Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's wife, Sunita Kejriwal, will enter the Lok Sabha poll campaigning fray for the Aam Aadmi Party on Saturday. She is all set to begin her maiden roadshow in the national capital in support of AAP's East Delhi candidate Kuldeep Kumar, senior party leader Atishi Singh said on Friday during a press conference.

Delhi minister Atishi stated that Sunita will "seek votes and blessings" for AAP in place if ger husband, who is currently lodged in the Tihar jail, undergoing a judicial custody.

"In protest against the arrest of Arvind Kejriwal, his wife Sunita Kejriwal will campaign to seek blessings for him and to seek votes for AAP candidates. She will seek blessings for him from the people of Delhi, Punjab, Gujarat and Haryana," the Delhi Minister said.

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Sunita will kickstart the campaigning by holding a roadshow in East Delhi today to garner support from the people of East Delhi for her husband.

Thereafter, on April 28, she will hold another roadshow in the West Delhi Lok Sabha constituency, Atishi Singh stated.

Following the arrest of AAP supremo by the Enforecement Directorate in a money laundering case linked to the now-scrapped Delhi liquor policy, in March, his wife, Sunita Kejriwal, a retired IRS officer, has gradually assumed a greater role to in AAP's campaigning that took a hit post the chief minister's incarceration.

Ever since the Delhi CM's arrest, Atishi Singh and several other party leaders have alleged that Kejriwal was arrested to prevent him from campaigning for the Lok Sabha polls. 

Menawhile, Atishi Singh has also claimed that the people are unanimously of the opinion that they will respond to Kejriwal's arrest by voting for him.

As per the latest court order, Kejriwal would remain in judicial custody till May 7.

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