New Delhi: As BJP is poised to register a landslide victory in Madhya Pradesh assembly elections, BJP MLA Usha Thakur on Sunday responded to the most awaited question 'Who will be the CM of Madhya Pradesh'.

She said that the people of Madhya Pradesh have voted for incumbent CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan in this election.

"People voted for Shivraj Singh Chouhan. Women in the state support him for the 'Laldi Behna' scheme.," she told PTI.

She further told ANI, "People blessed our public service and nationalism...'Ladli Behna Yojana' has blessed Madhya Pradesh."

Meanwhile, Shivraj Singh Chouhan has won from his constituency for the fifth time in a row, and this year, he defeated Congress rival and TV actor Vikram Mastal by a huge margin of 1,04,974 votes.

"I dedicate this win to our Ladli Behnas and PM Modi," CM Chouhan remarked as the BJP clinched a landslide victory in the Hindi heartland state.

As a shock to Congress and many exit polls, the incoming results of the Madhya Pradesh assembly elections have turned out to be unpredictable with the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) easily sweeping the state. 

The ABP-C Voter Exit Poll had predicted that Congress would most likely be able to dethrone the BJP in Madhya Pradesh as it was said to be winning anything between 113 to 137 seats and the BJP is looking at seats between 88 and 112.

The Congress was also projected to draw a vote share of 44.1 per cent, a growth from 40.9 per cent in the last election. The BJP, however, was likely to see a minor dip in the vote percentage at 40.7 per cent from 41 per cent in the last elections.