Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh along with the other leaders and workers of the party were stopped outside the Delhi Chief Minister's residence on Wednesday. Singh had invited the media for a tour of Arvind Kejriwal's official residence while he was Delhi's chief minister, which the BJP claims was turned into a "Sheesh Mahal" during the AAP chief's stay.
Earlier on Wednesday, Sanjay Singh and Delhi minister Saurabh Bharadwaj held a press conference saying AAP leaders will go to the official residence of Delhi CM at 6 Flagstaff Road in Delhi's Civil Lines area.
"As per the promise of AAP, we will go to the official residence of Delhi CM at 6 Flagstaff Road. We will search for the said luxurious swimming pool. It was said that gold commode is used in bathroom, we will also search that," Bharadwaj said.
"Apart from that, it was said that a bar was made at the bungalow, we will also search for that," he said.
Bharadwaj added that the official residence of the prime minister will also be seen.
"The construction of both the official residences was started during the Covid pandemic. Both have been made with taxpayers' money. I hope that the BJP won't have any objection with the presence of media at the new official residence of PM," he said.
After being denied entry to the Delhi CM's official residence, both the AAP leaders staged a sit-in protest outside the premises.
"The BJP has been alleging the presence of a gold commode, a swimming pool, and a minibar inside the CM's official residence. Today, I along with Saurabh Bharadwaj came with media to see where these items are," Singh said while speaking to reporters.
"For just two people, they brought water canons and deployed police personnel in such large numbers, are we terrorists?" he questioned.
This implies BJP has been lying, Singh said, giving a 10-minute ultimatum to the saffron party to provide evidence to their claims.