Navneet Rana, the incumbent MP from Maharashtra's Amravati and the BJP's Lok Sabha Election candidate from the constituency, has stirred up a row with a comment similar to that of Akbaruddin Owaisi's 2013 speech. Navneet Rana recalled the speech of the junior Owaisi from AIMIM where he said, "Remove police for 15 minutes and Muslims would show 100 crore Hindus who is more powerful."

She said: "The younger brother [Akbaruddin Owaisi] says 'Police ko 15 minute hata do toh hum dikhayenge ki hum kya kar sakte hain. I would like to tell him, it took you 15 minutes; it will take us just 15 seconds... if you remove police for 15 seconds, you will not be able to understand kahan se aaya aur kahan ko gaya [what exactly happened]... It will take us just 15 seconds."

Reacting to Rana's remark, AIMIM leader Waris Pathan said: "Navneet Rana knows that she is badly losing from Amravati this time. She is unable to accept this and that is why she is uttering all this nonsense... What will you do if the police are removed for 15 seconds?"

He questioned the authorities, saying: "What are the police and administration doing? Why has no action been taken so far? What is the Election Commission doing? Are such statements allowed in elections? We would like the Election Commissioner to take cognisance of this statement and take strict action...BJP has come to realise that this time it is difficult for them to cross 200-250 seats."

Pathan said: "What will she do if police are removed? Will you kill all Muslims? Had I said something like this, I would have been jailed immediately."