In the aftermath of clashes during the Ram Navami processions in West Bengal yesterday, the state’s political landscape has been rife with accusations and counter-accusations. Bengal BJP chief Sukanta Majumdar on Thursday demanded an NIA inquiry into the incidents of violence, alleging TMC cadre involvement. Responding to the allegations, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee refuted the claims of her party's involvement. She said that the entire episode of violence was “planned” by the BJP.
Sukanta told PTI, “These attacks were part of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s strategy to sway minority votes ahead of the elections”.
Responding to the development, CM Banerjee said, “Since this morning, national media have been instructed to broadcast news portraying minority community negatively… Do you know? Just the day before yesterday, it was the BJP itself that conducted an attack.”
“BJP MLAs arrived with force and weapons… Police officers were injured, including the station in-charge. Persons of a specific religious community have been subjected to violence,” the Bengal CM said in Islampur.
Banerjee asserted, “The Congress has fielded a candidate in this constituency not with the intention of winning but to split votes, specifically undermining the TMC’s chances.”
“I have spearheaded the formation of the I.N.D.I.A bloc, and I remain committed to leading the party in the future as well,” she added.
The tension arose in Murshidabad, where a Ram Navami procession was reportedly bombed by miscreants, leading to heightened security measures in the area. Meanwhile, clashes in Rajnagar left several injured and properties vandalised, with BJP accusing the TMC of “instigating” the violence.
Reacting to the reports of violence, BJP leader Shaina NC said, "Isn't it sad that you have rioting only in West Bengal and nowhere else in the country when processions of Ram Navami are going on? Mamata Banerjee has been cautioned in the past that take cognizance of any communal tension when it comes to Ram Navami, but she chose to ignore that and talk about riot, riot and riot."
"Here you have substantive evidence to show how the state government has not only taken cognizance of the situation, they have dismissed the fact that there was any communal tension," she told ANI.
Earlier, West Bengal Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari urged the Election Commission to take action against Mamata Banerjee. He called the Ram Navami clashes a result of an alleged “provocative speech” made by the Bengal CM.