The Aam Aadmi Party has announced its second list of 21 candidates for the Rajasthan Assembly elections. The party has fielded Jhabar Singh Kichhar from the Sikar seat against sitting MLA Rajendra Pareek of the Congress, a former state minister. From the Sanchore constituency, the AAP has fielded Ram Lal Bishnoi. He will go up against Minister of Labour Sukhram Bishnoi.
Others on the list are:
Manish Sharma - Bikaner West
Sanju Bala - Ratangarh
Rameshwar Prasad Saini - Shahpura
Hemant Kumar Kumawat - Chomu
Archit Gupta - Civil Lines
Rameshwar Prasad Jand - Bassi
Hardan Singh Gujjar - Behror
Vishvendar Singh - Ramgarh
Rohitash Chaturvedi - Nadbai
Heena Firoj Baig - Karauli
Mukesh Bhupremi - Sawai Madhopur
Manphol Bairwa - Khandar
Narpat Singh - Marwar Junction
Lal Singh - Bali
Rohit Joshi - Jodhpur
Puran Mal Khatik - Shahpura
Dilip Kumar Meena - Pipalda
RP Meena - Chhabra
Dipesh Soni - Khanpur
Earlier this week, the AAP released the names of 23 candidates for the Rajasthan elections scheduled to be held on November 25. In the first list, the AAP named Dr Harish Raheja as the contestant from the Ganganagar seat. Raheja will fight against BJP's Jaydeep Bihani, who fought the 2018 polls as an independent after being denied a ticket by the Congress.
The Aam Aadmi Party is looking to make inroads in Rajasthan with the 2023 assembly elections with several poll promises. AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal last month promised 8 "guarantees" if the party came to power: Rs 1,000 allowance to women, Rs 1 crore honorarium to widows of police personnel, elimination of corruption, 300 units of free electricity which will be available 24 hours, free education for children, free healthcare for every citizen, and regularisation of contractual workers' employment.
The party had to bear a crushing defeat in the 2018 assembly polls. Before the upcoming elections, big faces are being inducted into the party. Last week, BJP leader Shivnarayan Dwivedi joined the Aam Aadmi Party. Now, speculations are being made that the party may give a big responsibility to Shivnarayan Dwivedi.