Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Saturday made strong allegations against the Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) during a recent speech in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior. Mann accused the BJP of reverting to by-elections when they were unable to win in elections, claiming that they had struck deals with Congress members to buy MLAs. As evidence of these alleged political manoeuvres, he cited a message displayed at the Congress headquarters that read, "Elected MLAs available at low rates." He compared them to a common Indian food combination, "daal-chawal," implying that they are inseparable.
Bhagwant Mann said: "5 years back you elected Congress to power. BJP has this idea to win by by-election if they can't win through election. They spoke with Congress people and asked for the rates of Congress MLAs," he was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.
"Congress headquarters sports the words 'Elected MLAs available at cheap rates'. So, they (BJP) bought 30 MLAs...What is the use of electing such a party?... That is why Arvind Kejriwal says, 'Sab mile huye hain'. They are 'daal-chawal'. You can't separate them," he said.
Mann also lashed out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying, "The Prime Minister always walks in pride, and we have been threatened not to contest elections here (Madhya Pradesh), but people are watching, and people will surely break the pride of BJP people".
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Punjab Govt To Purchase Private Thermal Power Plant: CM Bhagwant Mann
Earlier in the day, CM Bhagwant Mann announced that the state government will purchase a private thermal power plant in the state. Mann added that more information will be released soon.
Taking to Twitter, Mann announced the purchase of a coal-fired thermal power plant.
"Exchanging good news with Punjabis... The Punjab government is purchasing a private thermal plant in Punjab...details coming soon," Mann said in a roughly translated Punjabi tweet.
Though the chief minister provided no details about the thermal plant, the state-owned power utility Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) was one of 12 bidders for the 540 MW Goindwal thermal power plant in Tarn Taran after corporate insolvency proceedings were initiated against its owner GVK Power.
Mann announced last month that the state government would bid for the first time on the purchase of a private power plant. He also stated that the state has enough coal to power the plant.