Ahead of the Assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi on Thursday launched a scathing attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party government over the issue of unemployment and crime against women in the state. Speaking at the 'Jan Aakrosh Rally' in the Mandla district in the poll-bound state, Gandhi claimed that 1.5 lakh women and girls have gone missing in the state under the saffron party's rule. Speaking on the issue of unemployment, the Congress general secretary said that the people are moving out of the state for employment and opportunities are not being created for the people within the state.    

"You must have seen the videos that are viral. The maximum number of girls going missing in the country has been reported in Madhya Pradesh. 1.5 lakh women and girls have gone missing in their rule. 17 incidents of rape take place daily...You must have seen the Ujjain incident. Madhya Pradesh is the leading state in the country as far as atrocities on tribals are concerned. The situation is becoming difficult here," Priyanka Gandhi said. She also said, "There has been a BJP government in Madhya Pradesh for 18 years, but no employment opportunities have been created".

During her speech, the Congress leader said that the rights that were given to the people in Madhya Pradesh and the work that was done to empower them were all snatched away after the BJP came to power in the state.

Priyanka Gandhi said, "Whatever rights were given to you by the Congress and whatever work was done to empower you were all snatched away from you when BJP came to power. The rights of Sarpanches have been reduced. MNREGA was not implemented. Migration has increased because there are no employment opportunities in villages. Your land is being snatched away. You are not given the right price for your produce. When you agitate, bullets are fired at you..."

Earlier, Priyanka Gandhi addressed the people of Dhar on October 5. During her address, she attacked the Shivraj Singh Chouhan-led government over alleged financial irregularities in the 'Mahakal Lok' corridor of Ujjain and the Vyapam recruitment scam. She said that it was high time to change the BJP regime. She also took a dig at the Centre over the Women's Reservation Bill and said that the Modi government was treating women as a "joke" as the legislation to reserve seats in assemblies for women could not be implemented for 10 years.