As Opposition unites to meet in Patna on Friday, posters were put up outside the Bihar Pradesh Congress Committee (BPCC) office welcoming Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge and Rahul Gandhi. Both the leaders are scheduled to arrive in Patna on Friday to attend the opposition party meeting. The aim of the meeting is to chalk out a roadmap for the formation of an anti-BJP front for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is all set to host all the opposition parties that have or are likely to join forces.

News agency ANI shared visuals from outside of BPCC office in Patna. In the one minute video shared by the news agency, several posters and hoardings, with the pictures of Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on it, were seen on the streets of Patna. The captions on the posters read, "Welcome."

Meanwhile, Bihar Congress chief Akhilesh Prasad Singh while talking to ANI said, "Rahul Gandhi doesn't have the greed for power or chair. If he wanted, he could have become PM earlier also...Congress workers want him to be PM but that doesn't mean he wants the same...Whoever Congress and Rahul Gandhi want, can become the PM after defeating BJP because Congress will win majority of the seats, so Congress will have a say on it."

Top leaders of about 20 Opposition parties from across the country are set to attend this mega event. This is also the first-time that parties like the Trinamool Congress, Samajwadi Party, and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) will shun their differences indifferent and share a common platform to take on BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.