Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday criticised the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government of West Bengal for "snatching the rights of OBC youths" to facilitate its appeasement politics and "vote jihad". Addressing an election rally in Barasat, Modi without naming West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, condemned her for questioning the judges of the Calcutta High Court. He further said that the TMC might "let loose its goons on judged" following the ruling. 

"The court has exposed the treachery of the Trinamool Congress with the OBCs. The party snatched the rights of OBC youths to support its appeasement politics and 'vote jihad'. The TMC has betrayed the OBCs of West Bengal," PM Modi said.

The Calcutta High Court had last week struck down the OBC status of several classes in West Bengal that had been granted since 2010. The court found such reservations to vacancies in services and posts in the state illegal. Banerjee responded to the ruling by stating she would "not accept"it, describing it as a verdict influenced by the BJP.

ALSO READ: 'OBC Status To Converted Hindu SCs' To 'Lack Of Data': 8 Reasons Why Calcutta HC Scrapped OBC Certificates Of 77 Groups

Modi continued his critique, saying, "It is quite evident that TMC doesn't like those who expose its treachery and lies. I am astonished to see how the party is questioning the judiciary. Don't they have any faith in the judiciary and our Constitution? The way they are attacking judges is unprecedented. I would like to know whether the TMC would now let loose its goons on judges as they are exposed?"

The Prime Minister also slammed Banerjee's recent comments against a few monks of the Ramakrishna Mission and Bharat Sevashram Sangha. He alleged that these socio-religious organisations were being threatened to appease the TMC's vote bank. 

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