New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday held his first ever press conference with a large contingent of journalists and confidently asserted that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led NDA will return to power with a full majority post the Lok Sabha Polls 2019. However, what rose questions was the fact the PM Modi did not answer any questions asked by the reporters and rather redirected them to BJP President Amit Shah who accompanied him on the stage. Prime Minister told reporters that he will not take any questions because the press conference is being held by the BJP President and thus discipline has to be followed.

Shah gave a detailed report card of his party’s campaigning and performance over the past five years. After Shah's address, PM Modi addressed the media and said that it will be for the first time that a government that enjoyed a five-year term will return with full majority post elections. “It has not happened often in our country that a government with full majority returns once again with a majority," said PM Modi at a press conference at the BJP headquarters in national capital, his first since taking power at the centre in 2014.

Soon after the press conference, a large section of social media came out with their reactions with some appreciating PM Modi for attending the press conference while others raising concern over him not fielding questions asked by the media fraternity. Here’s are some reactions to PM Modi’s first ever press conference in five years of his rule:

Meanwhile, Congress president Rahul Gandhi who conducted a press conference simultaneously, took  a swipe on PM Modi’s first ever media briefing. "PM Modi is doing a press conference, it is unprecedented. I am told the door of the room where PM Modi is addressing a press conference has been closed. I had told some journalists here to go and ask couple of questions from our side but believe they aren't allowed," Gandhi said.