NEW DELHI: Ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave an exclusive interview to ABP News where he talked about airstrike's conducted post-Pulwama terrorist attacks. PM Narendra Modi in the interview to ABP News's Rubika Liyaquat and Sumit Awasthi  said that Pakistan should stop sponsoring terrorism from across the border.

When the PM was posed with a question over some factions in India asking about evidence on the airstrikes, he said India did not claim anything but it was Pakistan who had tweeted and announced that India conducted air strikes in their territory. He said that Pakistan gave proof about the airstrike through their tweets and those who want to, can dispute over it.

Tensions between India and Pakistan escalated after Indian Air Force fighter jets bombed terror group JeM's training camp near Balakot in Pakistan on February 26. The Indian strike on the JeM camp came 12 days after the terror outfit claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on a CRPF convoy in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama in which 40 soldiers were killed. It was the first time since the 1971 war that India has used air power against Pakistan.

On the airstrikes, he said that if India had targeted the Pakistan army or their citizens, our neighbour would have put up a show to defame India.

“We wanted to conduct a "non-military", "pre-emptive" airstrike in Pakistan. We ensured that no Pakistani citizen was harmed in it. We wanted to target only terrorists.” he further added.

PM Modi airing the interview said the Indian air force successfully did what was planned. He said that I am surprised that the people from India are speaking a language which pleases the people of Pakistan and this concerns me.

India has maintained its claim of having destroyed “a very large number of JEM terrorists in the preemptive air strike against Jaish-e-Mohammad camp on February 26 which the Pakistani media has tried to debunk in a face-saver saying “there wasn’t any human one died. Only some pine trees died.”