New Delhi: In the wake of the upcoming elections, PM Modi in a free-flowing and exclusive interview with ABP News's Rubika Liyaquat and Sumit Awasthi, spoke at length on critical issues like BJP's governance in the last 60 months, BJP-PDP alliance in Jammu and Kashmir, the Gandhi-Nehru family, demonetization allegations and the opposition's charges that economy has flat-lined.

ABP News began the interview by asking the PM on what his government had achieved during the last 60 months and was he satisfied with his government's progress.

Question: When you became PM five year back, you had said that you shall give an account of the work carried out by your government in the last 60 months.

PM Modi's reply: Since the past week, I have started meeting voters as part of the BJP's campaigning for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls . However i have been in the political landscape for the last 45 years and am well versed with the dynamics.

Even campaigning in the last Lok Sabha elections, i had asked voters that you gave 60 years to the previous governments, now give me and my party 60 months to serve the nation. If you are happy with our style of governance in the last 5 years then the credit should go to the voters. While i campaign for my party, i am thanking the people for giving us a chance to serve them for five years.

Now if the question arises of 60 years or 60 months, i would like to say that the country has observed that a PM has worked tirelessly and does not pose any questions . In the earlier government's they had a casual approach towards serving the country. They liked to mark time and left everything to destiny. There was news of policy paralysis of the governments every now and then. Corruption and lack of intent headlined the major government policies.

Things have changes for the better in the last five years . There have been new aspirations arisen in the youth of the nation. We have brought about a complete revamp in the work culture and style of governance. I had to take some major and tough decisions in the interest of the nation. The last 60 years saw only two Prime Ministers who dint come out of the Congress fold. One was Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the other was Narendra Modi. The nation got to know for the first time that there is an alternate to the Congress for running the government in the country.