The first opposition meeting to stratgeise the roadmap for the Lok Sabha elections 2024 concluded on Friday, with the date for the next meet set for July 10th or 12. In a press conference, JDU leader Nitish Kumar announced that the next meeting will be held in Shimla and will be under the leadership of Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge. Out of the 15 political parties which gathered for the opposition meet in Patna on June 23, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was not present at the press conference. Neither Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, nor Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann could be seen at the press conference after particiapting in the opposition meet earlier. 

"The next meeting (of the opposition) will be chaired by Mallikarjun Kharge next month," Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar announced after the Opposition meeting in Patna.

"Leaders of several parties attended, views were put forth by all; it was a good meeting," he added.

Mallikarjun Kharge in the press conference said all the parties, who attended the meeting in Patna today, are trying to come to a common agenda to fight together.

"We will next meet on July 10 or 12 in Shimla again," Congress president added.

Terming the opposition unity as a process, Rahul Gandhi said "will take the discussion to more depth in the next meeting".

"We may have some differences but have decided to work together with flexibility to protect our ideology," Congress leader Rahul Gandhi added in his address.

"Whatever starts from Patna, takes shape of public movement," West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee said after the opposition meet.