Both the BJP and the Congress slammed the BRS and claimed that former CM KCR worked only for his family, which led to the party's downfall. At a session titled 'Bipolar or Multipolar - The Politics of Tomorrow' on Friday, Medak MP and Telangana BJP Secretary Raghunandan Rao Madhavaneni claimed that only the BJP and the Congress would survive till the 2029 elections. He said: "KCR had changed the name of his party from TRS [Telangana Rashtra Samithi] to BRS [Bharat Rashtra Samithi] but people gave them CRS [Compulsory Retirement Scheme]."

"BRS will not remain intact till the 2029 election... Only two national parties will survive," Raghunandan Rao Madhavaneni said.

Telangana Congress leader Madhu Goud Yaskhi echoed the BJP MP and accused the BRS leaders of exhibiting arrogance. "KCR wanted to establish his family's rule in the state. They even removed the core term of Telangana from their party's name. People didn't want such autocratic rule... I don't see a bright future them," he said.

'BJP's Reply To Revanth Reddy's Claim Of 'Unfair Treatment'

Raghunandan Rao Madhavaneni says people may complain about the national party but the solution to their problems will come from these parties only. He also dismissed Telangana CM A Revanth Reddy's allegation earlier in the morning of getting unfair treatment from the Centre. "When we are ruling at the Centre, we look after every state equally. Unlike what was being alleged by the CM," he said.

To this, Telangana Congress leader Madhu Goud Yaskhi replied: "This is a problem under the Modi government. They do not believe in equal rights or freedom of speech. Whoever raises his voice for a genuine concern is branded as an anti-national." He added: "This is a government by two, for two, run by two, and sold for two".