National Democratic Alliance (NDA) nominee Om Birla was re-elected as the Lok Sabha Speaker for a second term through a voice note on Wednesday. This marks the fifth occasion where a Speaker will serve beyond the tenure of one Lok Sabha. The opposition coalition, I.N.D.I.A bloc, had nominated eight-term Congress MP K Suresh to contest the Speaker's post against Birla but did not push for a vote in the House. 

"We didn't ask for a division of votes. We felt it was appropriate to have a consensus on the first day. This was a constructive step from our side. We could have asked for a division," said Congress General Secretary Jairan Ramesh in a statement to ANI. 

Despite this, some opposition MPs objected to Birla's election via a voice vote. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) criticised the process, claiming it demonstrated that the ruling BJP lacked sufficient numbers. 

"Several members of the Opposition requested a division to put the motion to the vote, but it was adopted without such a vote. This shows the BJP does not have the numbers. This government is operating without a majority; it is illegal, immoral, unethical, and unconstitutional," said TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee. 

Banerjee further argued that if any member requests a division, the Pro-tem Speaker is required to allow it. He pointed to footage from the Lok Sabha showing opposition members asking for a division, which was ignored. 

TMC MP Kriti Azad, represented Bardhman-Durgapur, echoed these sentiments, stating, "NDA did not have the numbers, and at least eight members requested a division, but they proceeded with ayes. This indicated that democracy is being undermined". 

Congress MP Pramod Tiwari also criticised the process, highlighted the neglect of parliamentary traditions and the opposition's democratic protest for a Deputy Speaker from their ranks. He questioned why the ruling party and its allies did not demand a division vote. 

"When Parliamentary traditions were disregarded, we registered our protest in a democratic manner—that the Deputy Speaker should be from the Opposition. They didn't do it. As far as division (of votes) is concerned, why did the ruling side and its allies not demand it?"

In response, Union Minister and Janata Dal (United) MP Rajiv Ranjan Singh, also known as Lallan Singh, said, "How can divisions happen through voice vote? Even we wanted a division, but the Congress itself accepted the voice in a minute". 

Union Minister and LJP (RV) Chirag Paswan commented, "Everyone knows that NDA is firmly running the government. It's the opposition who needs to be afraid because many of their MPs were in touch with us. Possibly if there was a division, they would have voted for us".