Mizoram polls 2018: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)'s Mizoram unit on Saturday dared Chief Minister of the state Lal Thanhawla to submit a complaint to the Election Commission regarding his allegations that the party is stashing away money in the headquarters of a central paramilitary force for poaching legislators after the state assembly elections.

Accusing Lal Thanhawla of tarnishing the image of the paramilitary forces, BJP General Secretary Vanlal Hmuaka in a statement said the former is making "baseless and false allegations".

The chief minister, while addressing Congress workers here on Friday, had alleged that the BJP would poach legislators after the state assembly polls. Lal Thanhawla was quoted by PTI as saying in a state PCC statement "I do not know exactly where, but the BJP has been stashing money in the headquarters of the Central Reserve Police Force or the Assam Rifles to use it for buying elected legislators after the election."

BJP sources claimed that Lal Thanhawla had met the party's leaders a number of times in Delhi but was not invited to join.