She also termed Adityanath's claim of riot-free Uttar Pradesh during the BJP dispensation as "farce". The former chief minister also took swipes at the ruling party for the incidents of mob lynching reported in the state, saying it has earned the country a bad name.
"BJP's claim that UP remain riot-free in past 2 years is farce. During the period BJP leaders & ministers remain awfully busy in lifting of heinous cases against them. And what about mob lynching etc which brought bad name to the country and ultimately Hon court had to intervene," Mayawati tweeted after greeting people on the occasion of Holi.
Presenting a report card on the completion of two years of his government, Adityanath on Wednesday said his government has changed the image of Uttar Pradesh and the state's law and order has become a model for the country as not one incident of rioting happened under his watch.
H said:"In 2012, there were 227 major communal riots. In 2013, there were 247 such riots. In 2014, there were 242 riots. And 219 riots in 2015 and more than 100 in 2016, in which properties worth crores were lost."
"However during the BJP government, not a single riot took place. Nor were there any incident of acid attacks or kidnapping," he claimed.
Adityanath said he has changed the "perception about the state" and improved its "tarnished image". The better atmosphere has become a "nazeer" (model) for the country, he said.