Ahmedabad: In his first visit to any other state post Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led NDA's spectacular win in the Lok Sabha Elections 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday visited Gujarat's Ahmedabad. PM Modi accompanied by BJP President Amit Shah, Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani and other party leaders, PM Modi garlanded statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel near the airport. After paying his tribute to India's Iron Man, PM Modi addressed a mega rally in the city. Thousands of people lined the roads to greet him. While addressing the crowd, PM Modi first expressed condolences to the deceased souls in Surat fire incident. He said that winning 26 seats in Gujarat Lok Sabha Polls is a reason to rejoice, but we will not celebrate as something very tragic has taken place in Surat. "The fire tragedy in Surat has saddened us all. We stand in solidarity with the bereaved families. May Almighty give them strength in this hour of grief. The State Government is further strengthening disaster management infrastructure across Gujarat," PM Modi said.

"Since yesterday, I was in a dilemma whether to attend the program or not. One side it was 'Kartavya' & on other, it was 'karuna.' Families who lost their children lost their future. I pray that God gives power to the families of those children," he added further. Further in his speech, PM Modi said that he was here for a Darshan of the people of Gujarat adding that the blessings of the state’s citizens have always been very special for him.

"In the run-up of the 2014 polls, the people of India got to know about the development strides Gujarat made. It is from the BJP office here in Khanpur that I learned the Sanskars of a Sangathan. I remember coming among you all in 2012, after our party was blessed with the people’s mandate," PM Modi said.

"I saw a video on social media in which a woman from Bengal kept saying 'Modi, Modi'.When asked why? She said I had visited Gujarat and found development there, I want the same in Bengal, but when that woman was asked for whom she voted, she didn't say anything," Prime Minister said.

"This election many pundits failed, after the 6th phase of polling I had said that we will get 300 plus seats. Many people made fun of me. During the whole election, it was noticed that people were voting to make government strong," he added further.

Concluding his speech, PM Modi thanked the people of Gujarat for having faith in me and also added that the coming 5 years would be very crucial for the country. PM Modi is on his first visit to his home state after the BJP's massive victory in the Lok Sabha polls. Later in the day, PM Modi will also visit his mother Hiraba Modi.