Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis will expand his cabinet on Sunday (December 15). Sources indicated that 21 BJP leaders, 12 Shiv Sena leaders, and 10 NCP leaders will take the oath as ministers in Nagpur. Initially, the event was expected to take place in Mumbai.
Ahead of the cabinet expansion, discussions among the BJP, Shiv Sena, and NCP are ongoing. Maharashtra BJP President Chandrashekhar Bawankule met Deputy Chief Minister and Shiv Sena President Eknath Shinde on Friday. During the meeting, Senior Shiv Sena leaders were also present. It is speculated that discussions between Bawankule and Shinde revolving around the distribution of ministries and the number of ministers are underway.
Reports suggested that Eknath Shinde is displeased over the allocation of key portfolios. As a result, he did not accompany Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and NCP leader and Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on their recent visit to Delhi on Thursday (December 11).
Reports also suggested that Shiv Sena is demanding the Home and Revenue departments, but the BJP is unwilling to concede. Devendra Fadnavis has decided to retain the Home Ministry in the new government.
According to PTI, Maharashtra's Council of Ministers can include a maximum of 43 members counting the chief minister. On December 5, Devendra Fadnavis took oath as CM with Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde and NCP chief Ajit Pawar as his deputies at a grand ceremony in Mumbai.