Union Home Minister Amit Shah accused the Congress of "minority appeasement," saying the BJP administration led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on the other hand, is concerned with the welfare of tribals, Dalits, the poor, and the backward classes, news agency PTI reported. Shah also expressed confidence that his party will win more than 150 seats in the Madhya Pradesh assembly elections scheduled to be held this November. He was speaking at a public gathering in Mandla, Mahakaushal area, to kick off the BJP's 'Jan Ashirwad Yatra', a mass-contact campaign.
Citing previous Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's comment that minorities must have first claim on resources, Shah claimed that the Congress was excessively focused on "appeasement of minorities," but that this changed after Modi became Prime Minister in 2014.
Following his election as Prime Minister, Modi stated that his administration will strive for the welfare of tribals, Dalits, the destitute, and backward castes who have a right to resources, according to Shah.
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“Now, you have to choose between these two ideologies,” the Union minister was quoted by PTI in its report.
Shah stated that the Modi administration at the Centre has worked for these groups throughout the past nine years of BJP rule.
The Modi government boosted the budget for tribal care from Rs 24,000 crore to Rs 1.19 lakh crore under the Manmohan Singh administration, he added.
The BJP is organising 'Jan Ashirwad Yatras' in five different locations in MP. These events will culminate in a 'Karyakarta Mahakumbh' on September 25 in Bhopal. PM Modi is likely to address BJP workers in the state capital on that day, according to party officials.
Following his engagement in Mandla on Tuesday, Shah will go to Sheopur in the Gwalior-Chambal area, where he would address a public gathering after launching another 'Jan Ashirwad Yatra,' according to a party spokesperson.