The Bharatiya Janata Party on Monday released its second list of candidates for the upcoming assembly polls in Madhya Pradesh fielding five Members of Parliament vying for seats in various constituencies. BJP leader Kailash Vijayvargiya, who has been fielded from Indore-1 said that he did not want to contest elections but was given directions by the senior party leaders. "Although I had said that I do not want to contest in the elections, senior leaders of the party gave me some directions the day before yesterday,” Vijayvargiya said.
“I was in a conundrum and after the announcement was made, I was left surprised. I am privileged that I got the opportunity to participate in electoral politics and I will try to fulfil the party’s expectations,” he added.
Union minister Prahlad Patel, who has been given a ticket by the party from Narsingpur said it will be his first time contesting assembly polls.
I express my gratitude to the party for their decision. Secondly, it is delightful for me that I will contest from my Janmabhoomi (birthplace) and Karmabhoomi (workplace) for the first time...I reiterate my resolve that even in 2023 Congress will not open its account in Chhindwara,” he said.
“I want to thank the party leadership for giving me this responsibility,” said BJP's Morena candidate Raghuraj Kansana.
Durgalal Vijay, who has been fielded from Sheopur said, “I want to thank the people and party workers of Sheopur as it was their voice because of which the BJP leadership showed faith in me. We have complete faith that we will win.”
ALSO READ: Narendra Tomar Among 3 Union Ministers Fielded By BJP To Fight MP Polls — Check 2nd Candidate List
Among 5 parliamentarians that have been given a ticket by the BJP for the MP polls include Ganesh Singh who will contest from the Satna constituency and Riti Pathak, who hails from Sidhi, will be on the ballot. Rakesh Singh, who presently represents the Jabalpur West parliamentary constituency, has secured a spot in the second list as well.
Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar has been given a ticket by the party from the Dimani constituency, while Pralhad Patel and Faggan Singh Kulaste have been nominated to represent the saffron party in a move to bolster its prospects in the electoral battle.