New Delhi: Days ahead of Assembly election in Madhya Pradesh, a political ruckus could be seen in the state on Friday, which was the last day to file the nomination. Ujjain’s BJP office witnessed a rampage by some workers vandalized the office over ticket dissemination. As per sources, the workers were unhappy after their ticket was changed.  

The party workers also raised slogans and accused the party of selling the tickets to the candidates.


In another incident, BJP’s rebel candidate Pradeep Singh Patna broke down after he was speaking to the media post filing a nomination as Samajwadi Party candidate from Reva’s Sirmour.


In yet another shocking incident, Congress candidate Thakur Jai Singh was going to file a nomination with his supporters and was being welcomed everywhere; when he reached the stage, where party state Chief Manoj Rajani was also present, the stage broke and the party men fell down.


In another incident, a Congress leader in Gwalior consumed poisoned after being upset over not receiving a ticket to contest for the upcoming elections from the party. The leader was immediately rushed to the hospital.