New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janta Party on Friday released the list of its 177 candidates for the upcoming Assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan is set to contest elections from Budhni. Madhya Pradesh Vidhansabha constitutes of total 230 seats, therefore the party is yet to release the names of remaining 53 candidates.
The party did not give tickets to 24 sitting MLAs of the Madhya Pradesh assembly.
Maya Singh, who is currently a cabinet Minister in Shivraj’s cabinet, holding the portfolio of Women and Child Development did not get a ticket to contest for the upcoming elections.
The party instead gave Maya Singh’s ticket to Manish Sikarwar.
Madhya Pradesh assembly is set to go to polls on November 28 and the counting of votes is set to take place on December 11.
The party currently has 166 MLAs in the Madhya Pradesh Legislative assembly.
MP election: BJP releases list of 177 candidates, Shivraj to contest from Budhni
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
02 Nov 2018 12:28 PM (IST)
Madhya Pradesh assembly is set to go to polls on November 28 and the counting of votes is set to take place on December 11.
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan (Image: ANI)
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