New Delhi: The Congress is set to release its manifesto for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections on Tuesday. As per a press released circulated by the party, the manifesto will be out at 11:45 am at AICC office- 24, Akbar Road. The party has been taking jibes at PM Modi-led government over issues related to jobs and corruption; it will be interesting to see what issues party focuses on in its manifesto.

As per sources close to ABP News reporter Ashish Singh, the party manifesto may include following points:

  1. NYAY Scheme, 72000/- per annum as announced by Rahul Gandhi, as he termed the scheme as second MNREGA.


  1. Minimum Income Guarantee Scheme, which has been earlier announced by Congress president.


  1. 100-day guaranteed urban employment programme with an opportunity to earn up to Rs 10,000 per month.


  1. The party may also promise a Right to health programme, which would give an opportunity to every citizen to go to hospital for treatment and would be different from NDA government's Ayushman Bharat.


  1. Right to Employment in Urban Areas.


  1. Congress may also promise an employment guarantee for the urban youth, which would include a minimum income of Rs 4,000 and an opportunity to increase it up to Rs 10,000.


  1. The manifesto may also focus on education and promise a ‘Right to higher education’


  1. Provisions for higher representation of the SC/STs, OBCs and minorities in judiciary.


  1. Houses or residential plots to the homeless among Dalits and OBCs and preventing their oppression at work-places.


  1.  The party is also likely to announce Initiatives to boost entrepreneurship and start-ups.


  1. A promise over employment for educated unemployed in services like delivering water and electricity bills, meter reading, and opening of small citizen service centers and collection of property tax is likely to be made. For each bill collected or delivered a small fee given to a private contractor would go to the unemployed youth.


  1. In addition to the above, a complete loan waiver amounting to upto 2 lacs is also likely to be announced. The loan waiver will be on prevalent agrarian conditions.


  1. Also, the party may also promise increase in Minimum Support Price for wheat and paddy; if votes to power.