The Congress Central Election Committee convened to deliberate on the allocation of Lok Sabha seats for Tamil Nadu. Sources within the committee revealed that out of the nine seats designated for Congress in the alliance, candidates for four seats have been finalised following thorough discussions. However, the decision regarding candidates for the remaining five seats is yet to be determined.
Sources indicated that the committee has decided to reconvene for its next meeting on March 27 to finalise the selection process for the remaining seats.
According to ANI, sources quoting ANI said, "Out of the 9 seats in Congress quota in INDIA alliance, the names of candidates for 4 seats have been finalised. The decision on candidates for the remaining 5 seats will be taken in the next CEC meeting on March 27."
On Friday, the announcement came amidst speculation regarding the release of the Congress candidate list. Additionally, there were rumours circulating that the party has confirmed the nomination of sitting MP Jothimani for the Karur constituency and MP Vijay Vasanth for the Kanyakumari Lok Sabha constituency.
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