New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a 42-year-old man was found hanging at BJP booth office in Siliguri early morning on Thursday. The incident comes at a time when the political scenario in the state is at its peak.

The police are yet to confirm the nature of death and have launched an investigation to probe the same.

The incident comes only a day after both PM Modi and Mamata addressed rallies in Siliguri, taking jibes at each other.

Both Narendra Modi and Mamata Banerjee went for each other's jugular in battleground West Bengal, with the prime minister castigating "speedbreaker Didi" for stalling the state's development and the TMC chief hitting back warning he will face a "voter strike".

Modi, who kicked off his Lok Sabha campaign in West Bengal with back to back rallies in Siliguri and Kolkata, hit out at Banerjee over a host of issues including alleged lack of development, perpetuating family rule and for seeking proof of Indian Air Force's retributive strike on terror camps in Pakistan to avenge Pulwama killing of 40 CRPF troopers.

Not the one who would take things lying down, the West Bengal chief minister mounted a blistering counteroffensive, mocking Modi's "56-inch chest" and claiming his government did nothing to save the lives of the CRPF jawans despite having "information" about the impending terror attack.