Lok Sabha Elections 2019: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Sunday spoke about various campaign materials, the prime focus of Bharatiya Janata Party’s election manifesto and other preparations made by the ruling party for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections. Speaking to reports during a press conference conducted in the national capital, Jaitley said that the campaign will be run in three themes including ‘Government that works’, ‘Government that is honest’, ‘Government that takes big action’. “Our main campaign theme will be 'fir ek baar Modi sarkar'. I am surprised that Congress manifesto did not even have a word on India's emerging middle class,” FM said. Further explaining the details of BJP’s election campaign, Jaitley said we have given health care to the poor. “Our main aspect of the campaign will also be a comparison. You want a tested government or a Mahamilavati sarkar,” he said.

Further, in his address, Jaitley said that the party's main campaign theme will be 'fir ek baar Modi sarkar' (Once again Modi government). Further criticising the manifesto released by the Congress party, Jaitley said, “I am surprised that Congress manifesto did not even have a word on India's emerging middle class.”

Taking a jibe at the Congress manifesto, FM Jaitley said, People will believe in future promises only if a party has actually fulfilled promises made in the past. Eradicating poverty was also in their 1951 manifesto,” Jaitley said. The finance minister confirmed that the BJP will release its election manifesto tomorrow.

As per news agency ANI, the manifesto by the saffron party will be launched in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP President Amit Shah. Other bigwigs of the party including several Union Ministers will be present at the event. The BJP has spent around three-months of time to prepare its election manifesto called the 'Sankalp Patra' for the 2019 Lok Sabha Elections.

The party has also launched hundreds of chariots for its 'Bharat Ke Mann Ki Baat, Modi Ke Sath' campaign in February this year as it wanted to seek suggestions directly from the people of this country to draft its election manifesto. Reportedly, the party has sought suggestions from the people from almost every Lok Sabha constituency through this campaign.