New Delhi: The BJP on Saturday announced the 5th list with 48 more candidates for the Lok Sabha polls. The list includes the name of Anurag Thakur, Narendra Singh Tomar and Nishikant Dubey. BJP announced that Union Minister Uma Bharti will not be contesting Lok Sabha election 2019. She has been appointed as BJP’s national vice president.

During the press conference, BJP’s JP Nadda said “we will declare 48 seats today. Shripad Naik to contest from North Goa, Narendra Singh Tomar from Morena, Janardan Mishra from Reva, Rakesh Singh from Jabalpur.”

In the 5th list, BJP revealed that Anurag Thakur to contest from Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh), Suresh Kashyap from Shimla (Himachal Pradesh), Kishan Kapoor from Kangra (Himachal Pradesh), Nishikant Dubey from Godda (Jharkhand).

The BJP has so far announced a total of 286 candidates for the Lok Sabha election.

Earlier this month, the Election Commission announced the dates of the much-awaited General Elections and stated that it would be conducted in seven phases across the country. The first phase of General Elections 2019 will be held on April 11 on as many as 91 Lok Sabha seats.

Lok Sabha elections will begin on April 11 and continue for over a month till May 19 across seven phases, followed by counting of votes on May 23.  The polling will be held on April 11, April 18, April 23, April 29, May 6, May 12 and May 19 for 543 Lok Sabha seats across the country in which nearly 90 crore voters would be eligible to vote.