Congress General Secretary in-charge of communications, Jairam Ramesh on Friday predicted the outcome of Lok Sabha elections 2024, saying that after the first round conducted on April 19, it was "very clear" that the Bharatiya Janata Party will be wiped out completely all over in north, south, and central parts of India. Adding that the saffron camp's tally will come down by half of what it secured in 2019, he said: "Dakshin mei BJP saaf, uttar mei BJP half".

"I would say that at the end of 3 rounds, what we saw in 2004 is going to repeat in 2024. The Congress and its allies - INDIA Alliance - is going to get a clear and convincing majority. This is an outgoing Prime Minister," Jairam Ramesh told news agency ANI.

Jairam Ramesh Slams PM Modi Over Demonetisation & Adani-Ambani Claim

Congress General Secretary in-charge Communications, Jairam Ramesh says, "On 8th November 2016, the Prime Minister announced demonetisation. Why was it done? To remove black money from circulation and now the same PM is saying that Adani-Ambani, his two closest business friends, are giving black money to Congress party. So, what is the ED, CBI doing? They are putting CMs in jail but they are allowing industralists to give black money to Congress party. Why is the ED not taking action? That means demonetisation was a complete disaster, a complete failure.

"Industrialists still have black money to give to political parties. So, I think this is an extraordinary statement and the biggest beneficiaries of Mr Modi's economic policies in the last 10 years - Adani and Ambani...Where is this black money coming from? From privatisation. So, I think this shows that the PM is very nervous. He is very disturbed and he is attacking even his closest friends," Jairam Ramesh added, alleging that the industrialists still have black money even after demonetisation. 

Jairam Ramesh Comments On Rahul Gandhi's Raebareli Candidature

Explaining Rahul Gandhi's nomination from Raebareli Lok Sabha constituency, Jairam Ramesh said: "In any case, Raebareli is a responsibility. It has been a seat which has been held by Sonia Gandhi. The people of Raebareli want to give a mandate to Rahul Gandhi. That is why, he has chosen to contest from Raebareli."

Responding to the criticism Congress received following the announcement of Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi's candidacy from Raebareli seat, he said: "...Atal Bihari Vajpayee has contested on two seats. Lal Krishna Advani has contested on two seats. Sushma Swaraj contested on two seats. Narendra Modi himself contested on two seats. So contesting on two seats is not uncommon. Rahul Gandhi contested in south and he is also contesting in the north. We challenge the Prime Minister, let him pick any seat in the south and contest."

 ALSO READ| 'Send CBI, ED To Probe Adani, Ambani': Rahul Gandhi's Reacts To PM Modi's 'Tempo Loads Of Money' Jibe