The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) on Tuesday released a list of 22 candidates in Bihar for the Lok Sabha Elections. The party has fielded Lalu Prasad's daughters Rohini Acharya and Misa Bharti from Saran and Pataliputra Lok Sabha constituencies respectively.

Meanwhile, Bima Bharti will contest from Purnea, Jai Prakash Yadav from Banka, Vijay Kumar Shukla from Vaishali and Ali Ashraf Fatmi from Madhubani.

Rohini Acharya, who kicked off her election campaign last week, will be contesting against sitting BJP MP Rajiv Pratap Rudy. In Pataliputra, Misa Bharti will be fighting against Lalu's former aide Ram Kirpal Yadav, who quit the RJD to join the BJP in 2014.

Lalu's party has also fielded gangster-turned-politician Vijay Kumar Shukla alias Munna Shukla from Vaishali. Meanwhile, former ministers Alok Mehta, Sudhakar Singh and Lalit Yadav will contest the Lok Sabha elections from Ujiyarpur, Buxar and Darbhanga seats.

Bima Bharti, RJD candidate from Purnea, who recently switched from JD(U) to RJD will face a tough fight against Pappu Yadav, who recently merged his party with Congress, but filed his nomination as an independent candidate.

The RJD-Congress Mahagathbandhan in Bihar announced a seat-sharing formula last month where Lalu's party will contest from 26 of Bihar's 40 seats while the Congress will fight on nine seats and the Left parties have been given five seats. In the five seats allotted to Left parties- three have been given to the CPIML and one each for CPI and CPM. 

In the 2019 polls, RJD couldn't even win one seat while the Congress managed to get one as the ruling NDA swept 39 of the 40 seats in the state in the last Lok Sabha elections.