Days after he quit Congress over its Anti-Sanatan stance to join the Bharatiya Janata Party, the former Congress spokesperson Gourav Vallabh has once again lashed out at the grand old party over its ideology, severed ground connection, stance over several things including Ram Mandir and Modi government, and reiterated that he still stands firm on his decision of shifting his base to the saffron camp. He also hit out at Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi for contesting from the Lok Sabha constituency again as it is a safe net for him. 

The 47-year-old professor-politician who contested in the 2023 Rajasthan assembly election from Udaipur, also criticised the Congress leaders saying that "there are the people who formulate Congress policies, the one distributing Lok Sabha tickets in Congress doesn't even know the names of five Lok Sabha seats of Uttar Pradesh."

"I stand where I stood before, my ideology remains as it was before. There's been a change in the Congress Party, The Congress, once called out corrupt, is now rallying for it. I've said this is wrong; he's the biggest corrupt of the modern era. Congress used to insult the Communist Party, but now it forms alliances with them. Congress mocks Prime Minister Modi's vision of a developed India by 2047," Vallabh stated while speaking to ABP's sources.

Commenting on Congress rejecting the invitation for the Ram Temple Consecration ceremony earlier this year, Vallabh stated: "Congress committed a sin by rejecting the invitation for the Ram Temple. Congress didn't attend the event celebrating national pride. The Ram Temple is the center of the nation's faith. The one who rejected the invitation for the Ram Temple, who didn't contest for the position of the class monitor, such a person lacks the ability to contest for monitor."

ALSO READ: Who Is Gourav Vallabh? Ex-Congress Leader Once Tore Into BJP With 'Zeroes In 5 Trillion' Debate

Shedding light onto the grand old party's thinking about Prime Minister Modi, Vallabh said, "In Congress, they're asked to curse Prime Minister Modi. Congress works against the country and has started opposing Modi's policies while opposing him personally."

Vallabh also stated that he pleaded for four months with Congress but was asked to break silence against Hinduism. He also spoke to Rahul Gandhi and discussed everything with him, but he did not do anything about the issues Vallabh was facing within the party as he "shies away from making decisions."

He also shared that he had expected that Congress would persuade him but no one came when he made the decision to leave the party. 

Training guns at Congress he also said that "Congress's ground connection has been severed. There is directionlessness within Congress; they don't know anything."

"Why do 95% of those sitting in the CWC run away from elections? If they have the courage, they should contest elections. I have never been tempted by power. It's the personal assistants of the leaders who are running the Congress Party," he added.

Vallabh also hit out at the Congress leaders and Rahul Gandhi for running away from contesting elections and playing safe, saying "Congress MPs cannot provide a strong opposition. The mindset of coming to power is not in Congress. People fight and come to power. Why does Congress run away, why does it fear contesting elections?" 

The former Congress leader also claimed that while "BJP must be talking about crossing 400 seats through analysis. Congress won't get a single seat in Rajasthan-Jharkhand."

ALSO READ| 'Why Did Rahul Gandhi Not Visit Ayodhya Ram Mandir After 3 Months?': Gourav Vallabh Slams Congress